If you haven’t done so already, head over and sign up with Paylike and create a live account.
After you have your Zen Cart setup, get the extension files here. Extract the files and then upload the contents of the “upload” folder to your root Zen Cart install.
Go to Zen Cart, click on “Modules” in the top menu, select “Payments”, select Paylike and then click on “Install Module”.
Copy your public key and app key from the Paylike dashboard.
Paste your public key and app key from the Paylike dashboard into the Zen Cart specific fields.
Set “Transaction mode” to “Live”, complete the rest of the fields with your information and then press save.
You’re all set. Paylike has now been setup successfully on your website and you are ready to accept payments!
Go to “Customers” in the main top and click “Orders”. In “Instant mode”, the orders are captured automatically. In “Delayed mode” you can capture an order by using the “in order transaction table” actions. In the same table, you will see “Capture” when this option becomes available.
To refund an order, you can use the “in order transaction table” actions. This is only available for orders that have been captured. Click the button and then follow the instructions.
To void an order, you can use the “in order transaction table actions”. You can only do this if the order is not captured. If you have captured already, use the refund.