
You can use our sandbox environment, which has 1-1 parity with our live environment to freely test out Paylike and your integration without any cost.

Creating a test account

You can create a test merchant account either via our API or via our dashboard. If you create the account via the API, you can specify the country, currency and descriptor. If you create the account via the dashboard, the country is set to Denmark, the currency to DKK and the descriptor to “A test descriptor”.

The pricing on test accounts does not follow the pricing showcased on our pricing page, but defaults to 2.5 % + EUR 0.25.

Test card numbers

On test accounts, you can use the card number 4100 0000 0000 0000 with any valid expiry date and CVC to create a successful payment.

Use 4200 0000 0000 0000 as an invalid card number.

Do not use real card numbers on test accounts as it's not permitted due to security reasons (PCI). Transactions on test accounts are not executed in our live environment but simulated. The full card numbers used on test accounts are not saved.

Switching from a test account to a live account

Once you have confirmed your integration using a test account, you are ready to switch to a live account. All you have to do is to swap your test account credentials, key (and possibly ID) with your live account's details. If the app you used for the test account does not have access to the live account, remember to switch your api-key as well.

Before switching to a live account, ensure you read about account approvals.